Submit Your Work
FEM strives to be a community-driven publication to give a platform for voices who are often silenced in mainstream media. If your ideology aligns with our mission statement, we would love to publish your work! We accept contributions ranging from commentary on current events, pop culture, personal narratives, and more.
If you’re interested in contributing your articles, creative writing, art, or photography to our website, email us: [email protected]
Tips for Submissions:
- Requirements: We accept varying perspectives and opinions. However, your article must align with our mission statement to promote human rights and gender equality. (Sorry MRAs, this is not the platform for you!)
- Hyperlinks, hyperlinks, hyperlinks! Every factual claim you make should be hyperlinked to a source confirming that claim. Opinion pieces should also have hyperlinked sources to strengthen your arguments. We will not publish articles that are not well-researched. Click here to find out how to add hyperlinks into your articles.
- Images! Your piece has a stronger likelihood to be published quickly if you submit your own corresponding image! This can be an original graphic design, piece of art, or photograph that you (or someone you know personally, who approved the use of that image) has created. You can also search Wiki Commons for a photo you can use for free to be used in your piece—just provide the photo and the link. If you are unable to find an image on your own, our staff can do it—but the article will be published on a later date.
- Proofread! The more error-free your article is, the better! Make sure to read your article (and have a friend read it too) a few times before submitting. While our editors will edit most grammatical errors/structural problems/etc., we are not responsible for editing articles with faulty logic, libel, confusing wording, and more. Those pieces will not be accepted, so make sure to research your article extremely.
- Editing: When you submit an article to us, you are allowing our editors to make small adjustments to your piece. Although we will not change the wording of your article as a whole, we may change commas, small word choices, and formatting to best fit our website.
- What should you write about? We love any article regarding a current event, pop culture, a kick ass woman or organization, personal narratives/experiences, deconstructing dialogue, interviews, listicles, book/movie/music/television reviews, satirical pieces, comic strips, photography series, and more! Check out our website for past subjects we’ve addressed for inspiration! We also do not publish duplicate articles. So, if we have already covered a particular event/subject, only write about it from a different angle or perspective.
- Have fun and be creative! We truly want to make this the best platform for all feminists. There are no limits with what you can say so think outside the box and create original material!
- Sections: After looking at FEM’s sections, you may decide that your article fits under a specific section. You may let us know that you wish to have your article published under a specific section. But FEM staff reserves the right to decide against it if we feel your piece is better suited for a different section.
- Feedback: We do not give feedback to those that submit. If you haven’t heard back from us in ten days, you can safely assume that we have decided not to publish your piece. Don’t be discouraged, though! You can always submit to us again — just don’t submit the same piece without extensive edits.
- Emailing us your piece: In order to get FEM to read your email, you must make the subject line: “Submission to FEM for [Potential Section].” In the body, please state your name, your school, year, and major (if you are a student), your occupation (if you are not a student), and the city you are from. Please also include a 3-5 sentence summary of what your piece is generally about. And finally, attach your piece as a PDF and a Word Document.
- Share your piece! You did it! You created an awesome article or illustration for our publication. Be proud of your creation and share it on all your social media accounts, send it to your friends/family, and then make your friends or family share it some more! The larger the reach, the greater the influence, so post your articles on message boards, online communities, and wherever else seems relevant for your cause!