SJP At UCLA: One Club’s Fight for Palestine Long Before 2024
Between Powell Library and Royce Hall at UCLA, the creation of a student-organized and community-based encampment sent a clear signal to university bureaucracy: Ignoring student demands is no longer an…
First Light
"First Light" comprises mornings in UCLA’s Palestine Solidarity Encampment. Included are images of police detaining a protester for protecting the Palestinian flag, of food donations, and of the Bruin Statue,…
"How is a plea of righteous anger / ‘gainst the profiteering off / persecution / met with batons the lengths of our interlocked arms— bodily anchors and limbs"
Campus in Full Bloom and Other Poems
"we skirmish like kettled dogs, / armed to the k9 teeth with plywood, / soft hands and bodies. smiling at guns."
Mixed Medium Encampment Reflections
I was at the encampment last Thursday, when an organized team rolled out its initial barriers before dawn and planted the UC regents-condemning banners I had helped make into the…
Hold the line, she hears, shouted over the din, and it’s automatic, reflexive, she slots herself into place, feels the people on either side of her shift to accommodate her,…