“The Third”: Third Spaces in Practice at UCLA’s WACsmash
“If you missed out on this year’s WACsmash show, be sure to mark your calendar for next year.”
“Hoop Dreams” 30 Years Later: What We Should Still be Learning from this Revelatory Documentary
11.8 million dollar gross. Winner of the Audience Award at the 1994 Sundance Film Festival. The closing night film at the ‘94 New York Film Festival. Two thumbs up from…
On Liking Choking
Time for sex talk. Everyone huddles in a tight circle, hungry hyenas laughing at low-hanging jokes while salivating at the shared confessions.
Dark Blood
When the sun shines the day's eye blinds you./Blue-black violet blood/The night, lies behind you.
American Capitalism Enables its Citizens to Hate the Unhoused
"A majority of Americans have misguided views of unhoused communities, ranging from neglect to cruel dehumanization. This is not a cultural anomaly, but the result of the American legal system’s…
Eleanor Catton’s Shakespearean Climate Tragedy
“With exacting, biting examination of each character’s thought processes, Catton lays bare each of the hypocrisies and false-truths they tell themselves. Everyone's a little bit right about something, but a…