
American Capitalism Enables its Citizens to Hate the Unhoused

American Capitalism Enables its Citizens to Hate the Unhoused

"A majority of Americans have misguided views of unhoused communities, ranging from neglect to cruel dehumanization. This is not a…
Banana Republic: The U.S.’ Violent Pursuit for Hegemony

Banana Republic: The U.S.’ Violent Pursuit for Hegemony

The U.S.’ ruthless pursuit of hegemony is encapsulated in Chiquita’s 100 year long pursuit of corporatocracy in the banana republic…
The U.S. and Europe Have Desensitized the World to Violence in the Middle East

The U.S. and Europe Have Desensitized the World to Violence in the Middle East

It is much easier to manipulate the borders of a region, implant satellite states, and repeatedly bomb Middle East nations…
America is Failing Black Mothers

America is Failing Black Mothers

Black mothers deserve to have a space where they feel respected, cared for, listened to, and valued as they embark…
HHC v. Talevski, Medicaid, and the Future of Public Health Programs

HHC v. Talevski, Medicaid, and the Future of Public Health Programs

With a looming recession and health disparities increasing by the minute, American public health cannot withstand another critical blow. If…
Should California Abolish The Three-Strikes Law?

Should California Abolish The Three-Strikes Law?

The Three Strikes Law was enacted in California in 1994 in response to rising crime rates and aimed to imprison…
The “Solution” To Climate Change

The “Solution” To Climate Change

In the aftermath of recent climate change disasters, many people question whether future disasters can be prevented and if climate…
Islam Could Not Disagree More With the Iranian Government; Standing With Iran’s Women

Islam Could Not Disagree More With the Iranian Government; Standing With Iran’s Women

The main premise of Islam rests on the significance of freedom, intention, and choice. Iran cannot logically force wearing a…
Why Your Anti-Gun Control Arguments Are Baseless, From A US Debate Champion

Why Your Anti-Gun Control Arguments Are Baseless, From A US Debate Champion

AR-15s are not a rational threat to a government with F-35s, aircraft carriers, and a multi-trillion-dollar nuclear arsenal. They are…
Eurovision, Your Personal Guide to Understanding European Politics

Eurovision, Your Personal Guide to Understanding European Politics

As 10 million Europeans sat in front of their televisions on Saturday night, May 15th, a screen of blue and…
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