Mama Loves the Hummingbirds

Designed by Erin Choi.
Image description: Large red circle superimposed with images of a hummingbird in flight reaching for two hanging flowers and two long curves framing the figures. The image has been created on a light brown parchment-like background.
Mama when you wait for the hummingbirds
I feel happy
that you’ve taken a moment for yourself
We’ve seen enough and heard much worse
The words have scraped the walls — left slices in the paint
even when we tread softly on floors
they creak through the hardwood
But your motherhood
resembles the birds you love …
thrumming with life-giving energy
offering the solace of silence
It is a love of warm hands cupped over my ears
of cradling my child’s form
until you could only cradle my head
of idli sambar when I return home from college
of calling mithoo come here!
when the hummingbird finally comes
You have upheld the cosmic legacy of womanhood
paving for me, in memories of how nani paved for you
and I think about you and me and how the chain goes on
How I am of you
and you are of her
and she is of —
We are all borne of each other
from the pulsating womb
that is mother’s land —
That liminal space that knowing death ached for life
I have been nurtured since I belonged to timelessness
Cradled by wings of (wom)ancestors
in warmth — in hope
When they deemed me ready
they pressed against me with gentle fingertips
and pushed
Memory of their touch seeped into my skin
and memory of their love was an outpour —
Sweet nectar of life kissed bare tile
Where I am from leads to a path paved
by Women
who stamped their feet into the sand and pulled forward
bearing the coarse particles that came between sandals
and clutched the legs of their pants
so I would have a trail to follow
Nani told me — Mama told me …
it is best when we walk with heavy steps
the earth remembers where we have been
and shows it to daughters who come
I remember the hummingbird arrive
and the joy in your gaze as it
flit past your eyes
perched on my shoulder
and sank into my skin —
Etched in me
so it could always be close to you