Last Week’s News

Here are some important stories that surfaced last week:
- Rick Perry has changed his stance on abortion and now believes that it should be illegal even if the woman was raped or her life is in danger.
- Women are preparing to try out for the first ever Olympic women’s boxing team.
- Egypt has banned the use of virginity tests on women who are detained by the military.
- A video that has recently gone viral depicts a 4-year-old girl standing in a toy store and complaining about the fact that all toys meant for girls are pink.
- In the June elections, Los Angeles will vote on whether the use of condoms should be mandatory in all pornographic films.
- Bettye Danoff, one of the founders of the Ladies Professional Golf Association, died at the age of 88.
- More women are running for election in Brazil than ever before thanks to the popularity of Dilma Rousseff, the country’s first female president.
- Women organized nurse-ins at Target stores across the country to protest the treatment of a woman breastfeeding her baby at a Target in Texas.
Did we forget something important? Let us know in the comments section below.