Upcoming Feminist Events in LA: March (Women’s History Month!)

All month: Women’s History Month
March 3: Letters from Zora Neale Hurston, USC, 7:30 pm. Reservation required (see link). A multimedia performance showcasing Hurston’s thoughts on racial integration and social justice.
March 4: She’s History! by Amy Simon, 7pm, the Lounge Theater in Hollywood. $20. A comedic performance on women of United States history. Additional shows on the 11th and the 18th.
March 7: Gender Across Borders’s Sheparty, 1-3 pm. A Twitter conversation on the theme “Connecting Girls, Inspiring Futures.” Followed the next day by a blogging event on the same topic.
March 8: International Women’s Day and Feminist Pride Day, all the time, everywhere. Show love for our favorite F word!
March 10: Mujeres de Maiz host Rites of Passage: Our Alternative Quinceñera, 7 pm. Donation of $15 recommended.
March 25 & 26: WAM!LA Conference on Women, Action, and the Media, Santa Monica College.