Dialogue and Opinion

“That Doesn’t Hurt”: On Pain, Invalidation, and Credibility

“That Doesn’t Hurt”: On Pain, Invalidation, and Credibility

When we look at these scenarios, what is crucial to notice is that dynamics of privilege define these interactions... Essentially,…
The Politics of the Nuclear Family

The Politics of the Nuclear Family

Capitalism and patriarchy reinforce one another by means of the nuclear family - the true liberation of women requires the…
Braids in the Workplace

Braids in the Workplace

My “black” hairstyle is in no way a reflection of my work ethic, skills, or qualifications as an employee.
Crying in Public

Crying in Public

The invisible, extra burden of a public cry feels so illogical. So what’s the big deal with crying in public?
Are Women Funny?

Are Women Funny?

I was determined to find an answer, some sort of tangible proof that women were, indeed, funny. So I interviewed…
Internet Issues

Internet Issues

If we face extraordinarily high consequences for letting out emotions online, for having 2-D proof of partying, for posting controversial…
Feminism 101: What is Cissexism?

Feminism 101: What is Cissexism?

Cissexism is the conscious or unconscious reinforcement of the belief that there are only two genders, determined at birth by…
Feminism 101: What is Tone-Policing?

Feminism 101: What is Tone-Policing?

Tone-policing is a way to silence emotion in the movement for equality. To silence emotion in the movement is to…
Feminism 101: What is Fatphobia?

Feminism 101: What is Fatphobia?

Why is the Fat Acceptance Movement, which is defined as the social movement seeking to change anti-fat bias in social…
Feminism 101: What is Choice Feminism?

Feminism 101: What is Choice Feminism?

Intuitively, this broad ideology may seem positive at best and harmless at worst, but given its disregard for socioeconomic relations…
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