Dialogue and Opinion
4 Ways Men Objectify Lesbians
May 11, 2016
4 Ways Men Objectify Lesbians
Heterosexual men control women’s bodies in a variety of ways, including restricting our access to abortion and healthcare, sympathy for…
How Postcolonial Feminism Changed My Outlook
May 3, 2016
How Postcolonial Feminism Changed My Outlook
Taking a class on postcolonial literature this quarter made me aware of the insularity my education had bred.
Feminism 101: What is Fetishization?
April 30, 2016
Feminism 101: What is Fetishization?
Fetishization is usually defined as the sexual fascination with things that are not inherently sexual. But when it comes to…
Women Share Experiences of Sexual Harassment Using #WhenIWas
April 19, 2016
Women Share Experiences of Sexual Harassment Using #WhenIWas
On Tuesday women began using the hashtag #WhenIWas on Twitter to share their experiences with childhood sexual harassment.
Feminism 101: What is Rape Culture?
April 16, 2016
Feminism 101: What is Rape Culture?
If you are able to observe fear in people, such that everyday activities like walking down the street are considered…
Feminism 101: What is Consent?
April 14, 2016
Feminism 101: What is Consent?
Sex is about feeling good, but should also be about making your partner(s) feel good. For that to happen, there…
Feminism 101: What Are Microaggressions?
April 3, 2016
Feminism 101: What Are Microaggressions?
Making the effort to learn about and recognize microaggressions for what they are when they occur is a crucial first…
Feminism 101: What Is Internalized Misogyny?
March 30, 2016
Feminism 101: What Is Internalized Misogyny?
Every woman, regardless of whether she was aware of it, has likely felt the self-hatred that comes with being female…
You Are Not Colorblind
March 2, 2016
You Are Not Colorblind
What white people claiming colorblindness don’t seem to realize is that their claim is ignorant and dangerous, and just as…
Why Your Oppressor Doesn’t Need Social Justice
February 26, 2016
Why Your Oppressor Doesn’t Need Social Justice
In every crack of the internet and in any vaguely political conversation, there seems to be a certain type of…