The Writings of Gillian Flynn: Permitting Female Darkness in Literature
November 18, 2014
The Writings of Gillian Flynn: Permitting Female Darkness in Literature
We can applaud Flynn for her bold version of women’s equality in entertainment. If men are allowed to be dark,…
GamerGate, The Internet’s First Civil War: “It’s About Ethics in Misogyny”
November 13, 2014
GamerGate, The Internet’s First Civil War: “It’s About Ethics in Misogyny”
When I first heard about GamerGate, I was clueless, then I became confused, and finally offended. Like many others outside…
Calling All Female Avengers
November 13, 2014
Calling All Female Avengers
Throughout much of this recent golden age of comic book movie adaptations, female superheroes have been lucky to get screen…
Brains and Bodies: Sexual Assault in The Walking Dead
November 12, 2014
Brains and Bodies: Sexual Assault in The Walking Dead
One would think the walkers would be the scariest thing the characters face, but time and time again, The Walking…
10 Reasons Why Dan Bilzerian is Everything Wrong with Society
November 9, 2014
10 Reasons Why Dan Bilzerian is Everything Wrong with Society
His constant posts of nude women not only promote the dehumanization of women but also perpetuates an archaic masculine construct…
Lena Dunham Isn’t Your Feminist Savior
November 6, 2014
Lena Dunham Isn’t Your Feminist Savior
Lena Dunham gained fame after her 2012 show Girls aired on HBO. Unfortunately for her, Dunham’s new book, Not That…
Why We Shouldn’t Care if a Celebrity is Pregnant
May 28, 2014
Why We Shouldn’t Care if a Celebrity is Pregnant
We need to respect women enough to leave their reproductive choices to the only person that should have any authority…
Our New iPhone App is Here!
May 28, 2014
Our New iPhone App is Here!
When searching "feminism" on the App Store we show up first and if you search "feminist" we are second!
“Rated X”: Film Ratings and Their Implications for Sex and Violence
May 22, 2014
“Rated X”: Film Ratings and Their Implications for Sex and Violence
What are the lines between “R-rated" films and that of “NC-17”? To what extent does a movie border on educational…
“Faking It”: A Public Insult to Lesbian Relationships
May 21, 2014
“Faking It”: A Public Insult to Lesbian Relationships
MTV’s “Faking It” might become the first socially conscious teen comedy to positively discuss issues of sexuality and identity that…