
Respectability Politics in the Music Industry

Respectability Politics in the Music Industry

The music sphere is so much more than the sparkles and glamour that it attempts to convey in the media.…
Stigma Around Female Rappers

Stigma Around Female Rappers

The stigma surrounding women in the music industry, particularly rap, is an indication of broader and extremely pervasive institutional sexism…While…
Reality TV’s Obsession with Female Suffering

Reality TV’s Obsession with Female Suffering

After a long day of work or school, the number one thing I want to do is escape from my…
Gentrification in Thrifting

Gentrification in Thrifting

In the era of fast fashion, shopping second-hand should be the more ethical and sustainable choice, but what happens when…
The De-Politicization of “Maid”

The De-Politicization of “Maid”

This outsourcing of “the second shift” is not as benign or innocuous a process as “Maid” would have you believe.
Sweeter the Juice: Why Black Women’s Representation in Entertainment Still Isn’t Enough

Sweeter the Juice: Why Black Women’s Representation in Entertainment Still Isn’t Enough

I wish I could say that in the 15 years since “H2O” was released, the state of representation for Black…
What Does It Mean for a Black Man to be Captain America?

What Does It Mean for a Black Man to be Captain America?

How can someone represent a country that has never represented their people?
Choose Me, Love Me, and Other Facets of Pick Me Culture

Choose Me, Love Me, and Other Facets of Pick Me Culture

If your art only has value by demoralizing or demeaning others (specifically other women), I recommend keeping it in the…
“The Passport to the Future”: My Quarantine Reading List

“The Passport to the Future”: My Quarantine Reading List

Quarantine has left a lot of us unmotivated, and I know for me this feeling can be soul-crushing. One thing…
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