Cocks Not Glocks: The Most Important Issue of Our Time?

Feature Image: “UT Austin Mustangs campus” by Zereshk via CC BY 2.5 / Wikimedia Commons 

Texas, in keeping with the state’s long tradition of bizarre irrationality, has decided that dildos are more dangerous than guns. Licensed individuals will be able to carry concealed weapons onto college campuses starting August 2016. To put the ramifications of this new policy in context, the Texas penal code prohibits carrying any “obscene device,” such as “a dildo or artificial vagina in public.”

This led to a “Cocks Not Glocks” protest. More than 6,100 people are signed up on Facebook to attend the event that University of Texas Alumnus Jessica Jin devised one day while “sitting in traffic . . . listening to a discussion on public radio about the morning’s school shootings.” During an interview with the Houston Chronicle Jessica, after feeling frustrated “at those who were still trying to explain-away, or make excuses for this repeated pattern of violence,” thought to herself, “Man, these people are such dildos.” And so, the “Campus (Dildo) Carry” protest was born.

"Untitled" by Urko Dorronsoro via Flickr / CC BY-SA 2.0
“Untitled” by Urko Dorronsoro via Flickr / CC BY-SA 2.0

As Jessica points out, it is both telling and absurd that dildos are considered obscene while guns are considered a right. Dildos exist for only one reason – pleasure (and money raked in from selling said pleasure). On the other hand, guns exist solely as a tool of violence that, as much as some would love to deny it, can only destroy or harm its targets.

Hopefully, this protest and other forms of pushback will help overturn this dangerous gun policy. And – super importantly, of course – win us the right to carry dildos in public.

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