Last Week’s News

Here are some important stories you might have missed:
- Thousands of women gathered in Cairo to protest the abuse of female demonstrators at the hands of soldiers and demand the end of military rule.
- Rep. James Sensenbrenner, a Republican congressman from Wisconsin, told a group of church members that Michelle Obama should not be leading an anti-obesity campaign because she has a “big butt.”
- Monta Ellis, the star basketball player for the Golden State Warriors, has been accused of sexual harassment.
- Lego is launching a new product called “Lego Friends” that’s meant to appeal to girls because the company feels that its previous products have been geared to boys only. Unsurprisingly, the new product is covered in purple and pink, and many feminists are calling on Lego to bring back what was once considered a gender-neutral toy (the ad above is from 1981).
- Taylor Swift’s newest ad for CoverGirl mascara was pulled after a watchdog group brought attention to the fact that her eyelashes were photoshopped.
- The editor in chief of a Dutch magazine was fired for publishing a story that used a racist and sexist slur to refer to Rihanna.
Did we miss an important story? Let us know in the comments section below.