Sexual Assault Survivors: Know Your School’s Resources

The reasons survivors of sexual assault do or do not report and/or seek help are personal and pertains to each individual’s experience.

If a survivor of sexual assault decides to report and/or seek help, it is essential to know the organizations that offer assistance on such matters.

The following list highlights the resources that are available on and off-campus. 

However, given the survivor’s individual experience, choosing a particular outlet may vary and depend on what feels safe and works best for each person.

Sexual Assault Resources on Campus:

CARE (Campus Assault Resources and Education)

“CARE at CAPS is a safe place for survivors of sexual assault, dating violence, and stalking to get support, consultation, and to have a safe place to talk. We offer several response and prevention services. CARE is located in The Counseling Center at Wooden Center West.”


Santa Monica Rape Treatment Center

“The Rape Treatment Center (RTC) at Santa Monica-UCLA Medical Center is nationally recognized for its exemplary treatment, education, and prevention programs. The RTC provides comprehensive, free treatment for sexual assault victims, including 24-hour emergency medical care and forensic services, counseling and psychotherapy, advocacy, and accompaniment services; training for police, prosecutors, judges, medical and mental health personnel, and other providers of rape victim services; prevention/education programs for children, adolescents, and college students; community education; consultation for schools, the media, government agencies, and other organizations; and educational films and publications that are distributed nationwide.”


UCLA Sexual Harassment PRevention Office

“The Sexual Harassment Prevention Office provides information about campus policies and procedures to any interested person.  Individual consultations can be arranged for persons who need detailed information about possible sexual harassment and options for resolving concerns on campus. Individual consultations are also available for faculty members, supervisors, managers, administrators and others who need information about their responsibilities to address information about possible sexual harassment of which they may become aware.  Workshops and briefings can be arranged for students, staff, faculty members, departments, or other groups of persons on campus.”


UCLA Police Department

“The UCLA Police Department is a professional organization providing quality public safety services and innovative programs to serve our University community.”


Dean of Students

“The Mission of the Office of the Dean of Students is to serve as a portal to understanding the UCLA experience, and we are committed to the personal and intellectual growth and development of our students. Whether we are the first office you come to for assistance or the last place you think to call, our staff is here to help you enjoy your UCLA experience.”


7000 In Solidarity

“The 7000 in Solidarity Campaign seeks to create a safe, inclusive campus for students of all gender expressions and sexual orientations by educating our campus community on sexual assault. Our goal is to promote consensual sex, effective bystander intervention, and access to University resources that support survivors of sexual assault. According to multiple peer review journals, 1 in 3 women and 1 in 6 men over the course of their lifetime. We must remain in solidarity with survivors and create a campus culture where sexual assault is not tolerable.”


Additional Resources (Off Campus):

Campus Save Act

“Enacted in March 2013, the Campus Save Act is the most recent, and far reaching, in a long line of laws that protect students from sexual violence and harassment.”


EROC (End Rape On Campus)

“The mission of End Rape on Campus (EROC) is to provide free, direct support to campus activists who are filing federal Title IX and/or Clery complaints in order to hold colleges and universities accountable for their handling of sexual misconduct.”


NSVRC (National Sexual Violence Resource Center)

“The NSVRC’s Mission is to provide leadership in preventing and responding to sexual violence through collaboration, sharing and creating resources, and promoting research.”



“RAINN is the nation’s largest anti-sexual violence organization. RAINN created and operates the National Sexual Assault Hotline (800.656.HOPE and in partnership with more than 1,100 local rape crisis centers across the country and operates the DoD Safe Helpline for the Department of Defense. RAINN also carries out programs to prevent sexual violence, help victims and ensure that rapists are brought to justice.”


DoD Safe Helpline

“The Department of Defense (DoD) Safe Helpline provides five ways for DoD community members affected by sexual assault to get help. Safe Helpline is anonymous, secure, and available 24/7 worldwide — providing victims with the help they need, by click, call or text.”


SAFER (Students Active For Ending Rape)

“All students have the right to a safe campus, free of sexual violence. SAFER empowers students to hold their universities accountable for having strong campus sexual assault policies and programming. We’re here to help you organize for change.”


Know Your IX

“Know Your IX is a campaign that aims to educate all college students in the U.S.about their rights under Title IX. Armed with information, sexual violence survivors will be able to advocate for themselves during their schools’ grievance proceedings and, if Title IX guarantees are not respected, file a complaint against their colleges with the Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights.”


Surviving in Numbers

“It’s my hope that this project raises awareness of how prevalent sexual assault is on campus and how many survivors there are on ANY campus. I also hope to show how key it is to the healing process for a survivor when they tell their stories: if they’re supported and believed, it starts them down a supportive path to healing; if they’re admonished or blamed, it has terrible effects. Additionally, sexual assault is highly stigmatized across cultures, and victims are often blamed for what happened to them. For the participants in this project who had never told anyone what had happened to them before, that’s definitely true.”


Project Unbreakable

“The mission of Project Unbreakable is to increase awareness of the issues surrounding sexual assault and encourage the act of healing through art.”



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