New UC Policy on Sexual Violence and Harassment

On March 7th, every student at UCLA received an email from the UC President Janet Napolitano regarding the new policy on sexual violence and harassment. According to this email, due to the Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act (VAWA) signed into law by President Obama last spring, all institutions are required to comply with new regulations “about responding to domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, and stalking.”

In compliance with the new requirements, Napolitano issued a new presidential policy “that prohibits sexual harassment and sexual violence, provides support for victims, and outlines training for faculty, staff, and students.”

In addition, the policy maps out new procedures for reporting and investigating an incident, outlines sanctions for the perpetrator of the crime, protects a victim’s confidentiality, and provides information on victims’ rights, support services, and requests for accommodation.

 So, what exactly is this new policy?

Within this new University of California Policy on Sexual Harassment and Sexual Violence there are definitions of sexual harassment, sexual violence, domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, consent, incapacitation and stalking. It has sections on prohibited acts; consensual relationships; gender identity, gender expression, or sexual orientation discrimination; reporting sexual harassment or sexual violence; and more.

Perhaps what is most valuable is that this policy has a step-by-step explanation of the procedures for reporting and responding to reports of sexual harassment or sexual violence.

This policy can be used as your top resource when reporting cases of sexual harassment, sexual violence or discrimination based on gender identity, gender expression, and/or sexual orientation.  Should you feel that the proper steps are not being taken, this document allows you to personally defend your rights as citizen and a UC student.

To read the policy, check out the link below:

University of California Policy

You can also contact the UCLA Sexual Harassment Prevention Office for more information:

Know Your Rights


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