Porn to the Rescue

Looking at porn, if you are old enough, is totally legal. It’s also really common– every day, there are 8 million pornographic search engine requests, and 40 million U.S. adults regularly visit porn sites. With 40 million of us doing it, you would think talking about porn would be a little less taboo.
Talking about porn is really taboo. Can you imagine bringing up something you saw in a porn video, or a type of porn you like, to a friend or coworker? Hardly. Either we are all so unbelievably kinky that we do not want to talk about it, or society frowns on looking at –let alone talking about– porn.
Fortunately, Pornhub, a popular porn video sharing website, is giving us a reason to start talking about porn.
For those who do not know, October is National Breast Cancer Awareness Month. And, for those who do not know, porn loves boobies. Pornhub, using their high-traffic website to raise awareness and help breast cancer research, launched a “Save the Boobs” campaign. For the entire month of October, Pornhub will donate 1 penny for every 30 videos viewed in their “tit” categories. By October 17, 42,800,000 videos had been viewed. This means that $14,266 will be donated towards breast cancer research!
It is both ingenious and socially conscious– it increases traffic to the website while raising awareness and money to combat a serious problem.
So Fem readers, if you want to help save lives while you get your jollies, stop by Pornhub today, tomorrow, and for the rest of October, and watch as many boob-related videos as you can get your hands on.