Storying Violence: A Cross-Disciplinary Conversation at the Top of City Hall (Live Blog)

This is live coverage of “Storying Violence: A Cross-Disciplinary Conversation at the Top of City Hall,” a “Three Weeks in January” event. A private conversation about rape and the ways in which the narrative of rape is shaped by society is currently taking place at the top of Los Angeles City Hall in the Tom Bradley Room on the 27th floor. Guest speakers include Gail Abarbanel (Rape Treatment Center Director), Aileen Adams (Deputy Mayor), Chief Charles Beck (LAPD), Jodie Evans (Code Pink co-founder), Julie Hebert (writer and director), Dr. Jackson Katz, Professor Rose Monteiro, Dr. Francesca Polletta (UCI faculty) and Suzanne Lacy (artist). The conversation is being moderated by veteran journalist Ana Garcia.

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