10 Signs You’re a Misogynistic Asshole and Why I’m Proud to be a “Slut”

As I was mindlessly scrolling through my Facebook feed, an acquaintance posted the article “24 Signs She’s a Slut.” The post got several likes and people were commenting how “hilariously true” this article was.

With such a surge of positive responses, I figured this must be a parody article talking about the ridiculousness of the term slut and what constitutes a “slut.” And even as I was reading this article, I thought there was no way a person could genuinely believe this ridiculous reasoning. I was disgusted and appalled at the realization that this was not a joke and this was not just one man’s beliefs, but many people’s beliefs (as demonstrated in the comment section of the article).

The author, under the name Tuthmosis, introduces his article with a girl he met online that he believed to have a 25% chance of “banging” her due to her “slut face.” Yes, he was being serious.

After the girl stated, “I’m not having sex with you,” he concluded that his chances increased to 90% percent. Apparently, a total lack of clear, concise consent is a foolproof way to “bang” a girl for Tuthmosis.

Now, I want to take the time to personally thank Tuthmosis and his incredibly helpful list. Thanks to him, I now know that my tattoos, piercings, divorced parents, high school cheerleading past, and being a self-declared feminist makes me a slut!

I wanted to return the favor and compile my own list to help out Tuthmosis and other men like him. So here you go, “10 Signs You’re a Misogynistic Asshole.”

Abridged List of Misogynistic Asshole Tells: 

1. Writes for (or enjoys reading) the website “Return of Kings.”

This website is revolting. If you write for it, or actually enjoy reading and agree with the articles, you’re probably equally revolting. Some other articles on this website include: 5 Reasons to Date a Girl with an Eating Disorder, Don’t Work For a Female Boss, and 20 Things Women Do That Should Be Shamed, Not Celebrated.  (Two out of three of these gems were from our pal, Tuthmosis!)

2. Uses the term “slut face.”

I am not entirely certain what “slut face” is, but I think it’s safe to assume that if you genuinely use this term to describe another human being, there are some unresolved issues that you need to address.

3. Doesn’t take consent seriously.

Consent is not a joke. No always means no. Period.

4. Objectifies women in any way, shape, or form.

Constantly talking about women like they are nothing but objects is a surefire way to determine whether or not you’re a misogynistic asshole.

5. Jokes about rape.

Another article by Tuthmosis, Help Raise Awareness About Rape Tourette’s, talks all about “rape tourette’s” and even states “1 in 4 manginas suffer from it.” However, rape culture is another article entirely.

6. Feels the need to dictate what a women should or shouldn’t say.

Tuthmosis believes that if a girl “cusses a lot,” she’s a slut. I believe that if you tell women what she should or shouldn’t say, you’re an asshole. This also applies to dictating what a women should or shouldn’t wear or how a woman “should” act.

7. Believes that people who deviate from “the norm” are inferior.

You should spend less time making judgments on another person solely based on their looks and your idea of what is “normal” and more time reflecting on your own values and priorities.

8. Constantly defending self against being called a misogynist.

If you have found yourself having to explain to people why you’re not a misogynist or an asshole, you are probably both a misogynist and an asshole! It’s the same concept of starting a sentence with, “I’m not racist but….” where we can all guarantee that anything following that sentence is, well, racist.

9. Believes their genitalia is their greatest accomplishment.

If you’re more proud of being a man (something you have no control over) than anything else, you should really go out and try to do something worthwhile in your life.

10. Truly passionate against feminism and/or gender equality.

If you find yourself truly PASSIONATE against feminism, we have a serious problem. If you’re uncomfortable with the word “feminism,” fine, many people are. But if you are actually against equality, (whether it’s gender equality, race equality, or equality in general) you are a definitive asshole.

Websites like “Return of Kings really depress me, to say the least. No matter how hard I try, I cannot fathom this kind of thinking.

Some questions:

What is the goal here? What are you, as writers, trying to accomplish? Is your goal to even further oppress women or take ten steps backwards in history? It’s 2013, why are these archaic ideologies still being promoted? Are you fearful that your own masculinity is threatened if women are given autonomy and equality? And why do you, when I ask why you write or say these things, brush it off as ‘just a joke’?

All I can do is hope that you come to the realization that further perpetuating hatred and discrimination is nothing to be proud of. There are so many wonderful things to be passionate about and inequality is not one of them.

But despite the problems with Tuthmosis and his viewpoints, I am very thankful for his article. Based off my own personal choices that deviate from Tuthmosis’s idea of what is socially acceptable, I now know I am a slut.

If me expressing my own individuality through piercings, tattoos, and colored hair makes me a “slut,” I’ll accept that. And if my life experiences such as my parents’ divorce, my time cheerleading, or my “slut face” makes me a “slut,” then I agree. And if me being a feminist makes me a “slut,” fine.

And because I’m sure that at least one of these 24 signs could be applied to virtually any girl, then I guess we are all sluts.

And I don’t know about you, but if that’s the case, I’m proud to be a slut.

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  1. Thank you for posting this, Angelina! I can’t bring myself to read anything on Return of the Kings because I end up in a hot rage of tears. Their fat shaming week campaign last month had me so extremely livid. Glad I’m not alone!

  2. Well, if you are passionately in favor of gender equality, you ARE passionate against feminism. Feminism is a brand of sexism. And the only place I have to defend myself against the spurious charges of misogyny is when I am dealing with a feminist.

    But I find #6 particularly funny. Feminists more than anyone else try to dictate what women should or shouldn’t say. I have witnessed the reactions of feminists when they hear a woman speak against feminism. It’s not pretty.

  3. Mickie, how did you find his Facebook? I want this guy to never get hired again. I’m trying to find any information on him I can, so he can no longer use anonymity to write these articles.

  4. I believe in equality in the workplace, and epecially in third world countries where women are treated as second class citizens.
    However, I firmly believe that men and women are not equal.
    Who would you rather be saved by if trapped in a burning building? The 120 pound 5’4 girl or the 230 pound 6’4 guy? As silly as you may think my example is, I mention it simply to illustrate the point that how PC our culture is and the people running the world have no spine. Who ever is more qualified for a certain position should be the person to get the job, no question. Same deal with affirmative action, what a joke.

    Also why do most of you women want your cake and eat it too?
    You want to be treated as equals, but want men to treat you like “ladies” and practice chivalry. Not talking about courtesy or being polite, that’s universal. Ahhhhh the double standard. And yes, you maybe thinking, ya double standard; if a guy works at an office and sleeps with half of the females there he’s considered a stud and his male co-workers congratulate and give him high fives and pats on the back, and whatever else you will possibly consider cavemanish or barbaric. Now if a woman in that same office sleeps around, and if her numbers are far less than her male counterpart she is considered a slut or loose and will be shunned, mostly by her fellow females. Why are you women so catty and hate on any woman that gets male attention? Why are you all so competitive with one another and quick to judge and hate one of your own? I eemember being in a class years ago in my Uni days, the hottest girl iin that class sat a few chairs next to me. She was friendly and sweet perhaps not the brightest, but would get cut eye from 90% of the female students in that class.
    True that receiving male attention whether be it from being highly sexual, speaking or dressing provocatively is wrong, think about this: next time you buy a revealing dress, jeans or bras that enhance our favorite parts (our meaning men) and heels that accentuate your butt, please think about whether or not you’re sending a message, what that message is and how others ( not straight men ) will interpret that information. No one is telling you how to dress, but tell me one woman that does not enjoy feeling beautiful? How does feeling beautiful become achieved? Someone (at least one, and you fully know that a compliment from another woman weighs different from a mans) has to notice you or compliment you. And don’t say that you’re dressing for yourselves because you’re not, deep down you know you love and crave the male attention, but will never admit it. If not you would all dress like muslim women. At the end of the day we’re all human beings with needs and desrires living in a world full of gender construction and hyper consumerism which unconsciously influence us in our daily lives. It is up to us to try and transcend all that, not to be quick to judge others and accept the fact that men and women are not equal in many ways be it a combination of internal and external factors; but should be treated with an equal amount of respect and courtesy. Or is it the age old question? Does it come down to biology? For Tens of thousands of years the male was the hunter, the provider, all he needed was food and sex. The female did everything else, what she needed was to feel safe and
    wanted. Not much has changed. I’m sure you think I’m a mysogynist, I can really care less. The above are simply my views beliefs and opinions, and hope you will remain judgement free.

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