Dear FEM Readers

Dear FEM readers,
Last night, Donald J. Trump became the new President of the United States. Today, FEM continues with a renewed commitment to our mission statement: to break down intersecting axes of oppression, to amplify the voices of the marginalized, and to always, always be a platform that celebrates and revels in the beauty, power, and resilience of feminist art.
Today and the days that follow may be scary, surreal days. This election has starkly illuminated what so many people have known their whole lives: that bigotry and systematic oppression is alive and well in America, and its voice is only getting louder.
For this, we may grieve, mourn, and rage; we are vulnerable and raw. Nonetheless, this is not the only truth we have to live through.
It is also true that our marginalized communities are resilient, and that we will continue the fight to survive as we have long before Donald Trump. We will love radically, organize, and resist; we will march and occupy the streets to make ourselves seen and heard. We will not let hate win.
FEM remains a space that amplifies the voices of the marginalized, that shows the world we are here and we are not going anywhere. We are here to fully harness the stunning power of imagination—to imagine a better, more just world, to imagine peace, and to create loudly and unapologetically. We are here for you.
We will continue to critique popular culture and systems of oppression. We promise that we will always be a space at UCLA where intersectional feminism, resistance, and love thrive.
With love,
FEM Staff