Last Week’s News

Forget to check the news last week? Here are some stories you might have missed:
- According to a new report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, almost 1 in 5 American women have reported rape or attempted rape.
- The case of Jennie McCormack, an Idaho woman who was arrested for terminating her own pregnancy, might be the next Roe v. Wade.
- Pakistan passed new laws that are meant to protect women from violent acts such as acid burning.
- Hamley’s, a store in the UK, has decided to stop separating their toys by gender.
- Banks are trying to appeal to women as the number of female millionaires rises.
- Erica Wilson, who was known as ‘America’s first lady of stitchery,’ died at the age of 83.
Did we forget an important story? Let us know in the comments section below.
Photo credit: WeNews/Flickr