
Image by Jenny Dodge
I turn off the shower and
long to follow the water down the drain
it stares up between my feet
what a promise!
instead, I chew what I’ve bitten,
my gums raw from feeble attempts
to scrape the day out of my mouth.
spitting blood can be so casual
in moments of hollow solitude
I forget the smell of Her
it’s a strange sense of panic and dread
I call to my Copper friend across the sea
she cries like we’re a room apart
a sister, not by blood or choice
but chance
a lucky spell binding our wrists
like fading scars
our friends pretend not to notice
I wonder, as her mother lights
the Sabbath candles,
if in our last life, we shared a body
I the bone and she the flesh
she is softer, and yet
holds me upright
hark! She knocks–
Let her in! Let her in!
Goddess, a shaky rapture, knocking at my heart
what a promise, what a dream
we sip religion like wine on a Friday night
I like the taste but know the warm feeling
is as real as my mother’s presence
Copper calls the day after a year
we take turns admitting to
molting over and over,
cicadas, attempting to lose
our nymphette selves
we admit to finding leaks
in our thoughtlessness
and watching our words get lost
like water down a drain
perhaps, next we meet
I’ll have new skin, and she new bones
but may our song erupt in the air
we die a thousand tiny deaths
and still, we return each year
like rain
like the hour
like the chorus of bugs
in summer months