I want Flowers.

I want

To be

Or not

What did he decide?

I don’t know either.

Too big or too thin

Having perfect skin

Roping waists and etching thighs

Who am I

To say no.

To walk away or stand in the way

One or the other

I’m here for you everyday.

I don’t talk or kiss

I don’t think

Like her.

Like him.

Just let me say

I’m sorry.

Though I’m not

But I have to stay

I’m here for you everyday.




Nice ass, bitch.

That’s what he said

Driving his dirt gold Honda Odyssey



Moves through traffic

The message is static

Ringing in my ears

When I get dressed

Words wrap my chest

What is vulgar molds her

Causes her to scold her



Is that what’s arousing?

I’ll have a bite with the lotophagi.

You got my attention.


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