50 Ways to be a Decent Human Being

Image: “thumbs up” by Sarah Reid via Flickr / CC BY 2.0
I recently came across a not-so-recent article titled “50 Ways To Be The Perfect College Girlfriend.” I must say, I shouldn’t be surprised that a website called totalfratmove.com would post a list like this, but I still felt the urge to respond.
So without further ado, I give you 50 ways to be the perfect college boyfriend a decent human being:
- Stop fetishizing younger girls.
- Don’t set your dating standards on a woman’s drink preference.
- Seriously, she can drink her fruity cocktails and be happy if she wants while you drink your sad beer. It doesn’t really matter.
- Nothing is less sexy than hypocrisy. Except maybe body shaming
- Our friends are actual human beings. They will hook up with your friends if they want to hook up with your friends.
- If your girlfriend doesn’t like beer… oh right, who cares?
- Don’t fetishize your girlfriend’s mother. Even if Stacey’s mom really does have it going on. It’s weird.
- Girls love it when you tell them to cook you something. Especially a sandwich. It’s a hilarious joke that you should keep using.
- Realize that your girlfriend can look however she wants when she goes to class, as she is there to learn and not to look sexy for you.
- We probably like our friends better than you. Don’t insult them.
- Don’t expect that, just because she is a girl, she will cook for you. Believe it or not, there are other things girls like to do.
- “Make us work for it. But only a little bit.” Yeah, work a little harder.
- Realize that it’s not your girlfriend’s job to nurse you back to health from your hangover.
- If you don’t want a mother, then stop expecting your girlfriend to act like one. See above.
- Yes, please keep calling women who express their emotions crazy. It’s not patronizing at all and definitely helps to keep the spark alive.
- Don’t expect us to like everything you like while refusing to engage in anything that might be seen as “too girly.”
- Did you know that pink was originally the color assigned to boys until Hitler used the color to signify a person was gay?
- That’s right. Hitler controls your perception of a color. How does that feel?
- If you are too afraid of appearing gay, then you may need to do a lot of soul searching to figure out why that is.
- Do not own fedora.
- Do not complain about how hard it is to be a nice guy (see 20)
- Do not complain about the friend zone (also see 20).
- Before you do anything, ask yourself, “Would a meninist do this?”
- Your girlfriend probably does not need you to tell her she is beautiful.
- So please save the “you look better without makeup” crap.
- Like it’s nice, but don’t assume she needs you to feel good about herself.
- Do not set impossibly high beauty standards for us if you don’t feel the need to adhere to any yourself.
- You’re grossed out by your girlfriend’s period? You are right. Menstruating women are proven to be highly contagious for cooties. Stay FAR away.
- If you call other girls sluts or bitches in your girlfriend’s presence, beware: you will reveal yourself as an asshole.
- Realize that it is a damn privilege to see your girlfriend naked
- Realize #30 applies to the entire relationship, not just the beginning.
- Don’t act nice just so you can have sex with us. That does not make you a nice person.
- Again, this applies to the whole relationship, not just the beginning.
- Don’t complain about your girlfriend complaining about wearing heels.
- They hurt, but we look damn good in them. Sorry.
- Don’t refer to your girlfriend’s legitimate feelings as “tantrums.”
- Your girlfriend is not there to satisfy your every sexual whim.
- Believe it or not, your girlfriend may be a little too busy to have your dick in her mouth all time
- You hate condoms? Tough shit. Responsibility works both ways.
- If you don’t like listening to your girlfriend talk, then maybe you can’t keep up.
- If you are intimidated by the fact that your girlfriend is a feminist, you should be. Feminists feast upon the flesh of men and bathe in their blood every full moon.
- The “cool girl” does not exist. Stop expecting every girl to be the cool girl.
- If you can’t deal with the fact that your girlfriend may have had sex with other people, you probably can’t deal with having a girlfriend.
- Don’t make us like your dog more than we like you.
- Also accept the fact that we will still probably like our own dog more than we like you.
- Remember that your girlfriend is an actual human being.
- Your girlfriend is a human being.
- Your girlfriend is a human being.
- Your girlfriend is a human being.
- Finally, don’t write dumb, sexist lists about the “perfect college girlfriend.”