Dialogue and Opinion

How to Speak to Be Heard

How to Speak to Be Heard

Our patriarchal society has taught us to use our words as weapons, but imagine the world of difference that could…
Emotional Debts and the Expectation of Kindness

Emotional Debts and the Expectation of Kindness

As a woman, I have been socialized to bear the emotional burden of the people I interact with-- whether they…
Privacy as a Privilege: An Intersectional Perspective on Street Harassment

Privacy as a Privilege: An Intersectional Perspective on Street Harassment

The story seems to go the same way each time that we tell it: we are tired of facing physical,…
Feminism 101: What is Gaslighting?

Feminism 101: What is Gaslighting?

Gaslighting is a common psychological trick that removes accountability and stifles discourse by laying blame on the victim or convincing…
How College Wrecked My Mental Health

How College Wrecked My Mental Health

We are pushing ourselves to our absolute limits at institutions like American college campuses that do little to change this…
Reconstructing Ally Politics (and the Ally-Industrial Complex)

Reconstructing Ally Politics (and the Ally-Industrial Complex)

Instructing one another on the ways in which we are racist, sexist, homophobic, transphobic, etc. simply reinforces the self-righteous conduct…
“That Doesn’t Hurt”: On Pain, Invalidation, and Credibility

“That Doesn’t Hurt”: On Pain, Invalidation, and Credibility

When we look at these scenarios, what is crucial to notice is that dynamics of privilege define these interactions... Essentially,…
The Politics of the Nuclear Family

The Politics of the Nuclear Family

Capitalism and patriarchy reinforce one another by means of the nuclear family - the true liberation of women requires the…
Braids in the Workplace

Braids in the Workplace

My “black” hairstyle is in no way a reflection of my work ethic, skills, or qualifications as an employee.
Crying in Public

Crying in Public

The invisible, extra burden of a public cry feels so illogical. So what’s the big deal with crying in public?
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