FEM FINDS: Media Must-Haves curated by FEM Members ~ December 2020

FEM FINDS, FEM’s story series via FEM’s Instagram, gives a glimpse into the media FEM Members are consuming and loving lately. In a highly digitized world, it’s easy to get lost in choices. FEM has the solution for you:
The following article contains images with quote transcriptions and image descriptions for FEM FINDS story series content posted during the month of December. All quotes are anonymous.
Stay tuned for monthly updates on our compilation of FEM FINDS.
Cover Image: Applies to all story posts unless otherwise indicated
Image description: Image is a 9:16 ratio rectangular story graphic. The background is light pink. All text is dark orange. A double-lined dark orange border surrounds the central text. Below the subtext is a faint orange line design. In the bottom corner of the graphic is an orange arrow pointing to the right.
Text description: Central text states, “FEM FINDS.” Subheading text states, “What are FEM Members loving lately?”
Recommendations graphic image description: The structure/format of all graphics indicating recommendations and quotes is the same. Image description applied here to format is indicative of all image descriptions for recommendation graphics unless otherwise specified:
The graphic is a 9:16 ratio rectangular graphic. The background is light pink. The graphic contains two pictures and borders per picture accompanied by relevant quotes. Quote text is burnt orange. The border behind the pictures is a black border meant to represent the look of a film camera. Pictures are set at top and bottom of graphics.
Saturday, December 5th 2020
Top image description: Image is in the typical format of recommendations graphic image (see above). Photos showcased for each recommendation include ‘You Too Can Have a Body Like Mine’ book cover photo: orange text with title overheads yellow text with author’s name Alexandra Kleeman. Text is over a royal blue background. Other photo includes cover photo of ‘Socialism… Seriously.’ The cover showcases a red flag as the central image, with white text depicting the title and author. All graphics are over a light blue backdrop.
Top text description:
Quote in recommendation of ‘You Too Can Have a Body Like Mine:’ “‘You Too Can Have A Body Like Mine!’ A decadent and magical novel about the body in comparison to ghosts, doubling, and food! Makes the feeling of isolation and darkness feel universal and rooted in how we perceive flesh and body”
Quote in recommendation of ‘Socialism… Seriously:’ “The book ‘Socialism… Seriously,’ by Danny Katch. A great introduction to socialism for beginners. Short and easy to understand. It’s really eye opening!”
Bottom image description: Image is in typical format of recommendations graphic image (see above). Photos showcased for each recommendation include a cover of Tracey Brakes ‘grl/grl/grl.’ Close up photo of Tracey from above the mouth with a daisy over one of her eyes is hyper-exposed in shades of pink, blue, and purple. Other photo includes the cover image of ‘Beyond the Visible.’ Graphic rendition of Hilma Klint’s back silhouette overlays over her iconic modern painting depicting geometric shapes in purple, peach, and red.
Bottom text description:
Quote in recommendation of the podcast ‘grl/grl/grl’ by Tracey Brakes “‘grl/grl/grl’ by Tracey Brakes. Some of the best, coolest production/mixing I’ve ever heard, and Tracey makes all her noises from scratch! Wild, she’s a music tech student at CalArts, go find her on Soundcloud and Spotify.”
Quote in recommendation of ‘Beyond the Visible Hilma AF Klint:’ “I recommend the documentary ‘Beyond the Visible’ about Hilma Af Klint. She was a Swedish artist inspired by Theosophy and séances, and she created abstract paintings before Kandinsky ever did, (!) who is typically credited as the first abstract painter.”
Saturday, December 12th 2020
Top image description: Image is in the typical format of recommendations graphic image (see above). Photos showcased for each recommendation include the movie cover for ‘To Sleep with Anger:’ Painting of protagonist reaching out in fear overlays watercolor painting of two people standing in a doorway in a chaotic house. The background colors are orange, blue, green, yellow, and purple. Other photo includes the cover of ‘In the Dream House:’ the cover showcases a young girl sitting solemnly in a house that is scaled down. The roof of the house has a circular cut to showcase the girl’s face. The colors of the graphic are dark in gray, blue, and green tones.
Top text description:
Quote in recommendation of ‘To Sleep with Anger:’ “‘To Sleep With Anger’ directed by UCLA legend Charles Burnett is a slow-burning family drama starring Danny Glover as a devilish houseguest. Masterclass in acting from everyone involved.”
Quote in recommendation of ‘In the Dream House:’ “I would recommend everyone read ‘In the Dream House’ by Carmen Maria Machado––it’s a creatively-formatted memoir about the author’s experience with emotional abuse in a lesbian relationship. It challenges your ideas about what a memoir can be, and is one of the first widely-published accounts of an abusive lesbian relationship.”
Bottom image description: Image is in typical format of recommendations graphic image (see above). Photos showcased for each recommendation include the cover of ‘The Monstrous Feminine’ podcast: a graphic image of a mouth wearing black lipstick has fangs bared while extending a bloody tongue over an orange backdrop. The second photo showcases the cover of ‘Assata: An Autobiography.’ Sepia photo of Assata makes up the central image; the text showcasing the title in red.
Bottom text description:
Quote in recommendation of Anohni’s cover of ‘The Monstrous Feminine’ podcast: “I discovered ‘The Monstrous Feminine’ recently; it’s a really cool podcast where womxn discuss different aspects of horror, from final girls to depictions of motherhood and femininity, from a feminist perspective; highly recommend it!”
Quote in recommendation of ‘Assata: An Autobiography:’ “Assata Shakur, a member of the Black Panther Party and Black Liberation Army discusses her experience of torture and violence at the hands of the criminal justice system as well as what led to her radicalization in her autobiography. Incredible, insightful, educational, and amazing if you want to read more accounts by black liberation activists about the evil of incarceration.”