FEM FINDS: Media Must-Haves curated by FEM Members ~ February & March 2021

FEM FINDS, FEM’s story series via FEM’s Instagram, gives a glimpse into the media FEM Members are consuming and loving lately. In a highly digitized world, it’s easy to get lost in choices. FEM has the solution for you:
The following article contains images with quote transcriptions and image descriptions for FEM FINDS story series content posted during the months of February and March. All quotes are anonymous.
Stay tuned for monthly updates on our compilation of FEM FINDS.
Cover Image: Applies to all story posts unless otherwise indicated
Image description: Image is a 9:16 ratio rectangular story graphic. The background is light pink. All text is dark orange. A double-lined dark orange border surrounds the central text. Below the subtext is a faint orange line design. In the bottom corner of the graphic is an orange arrow pointing to the right.
Text description: Central text states, “FEM FINDS.” Subheading text states, “What are FEM Members loving lately?”
Recommendations graphic image description: The structure/format of all graphics indicating recommendations and quotes is the same. Image description applied here to format is indicative of all image descriptions for recommendation graphics unless otherwise specified:
The graphic is a 9:16 ratio rectangular graphic. The background is light pink. The graphic contains two pictures and borders per picture accompanied by relevant quotes. Quote text is burnt orange. The border behind the pictures is a black border meant to represent the look of a film camera. Pictures are set at the top and bottom of the graphics.
Saturday, February 6th 2021
Left image description:
Image is in the typical format of recommendations graphic image (see above). Images showcased for each recommendation include the movie cover for ‘Irma Vep:’ photo of Irma Vep standing in an all-black outfit over a grey background with red typeface of movie title. Bottom image showcased includes a screenshot of @shady_brian’s Instagram page. Nine posts are included in the screenshot, of various photos taken by Brian. Many of the photos include red hues. Top of the image states Brian’s username.
Left text description:
Quote in recommendation of ‘Irma Vep:’ “I watched ‘Irma Vep’ last night, which is a 1996 slice of life film starring Maggi Cheung playing herself. It’s set on a French film production that is falling to pieces around Maggie and the zesty gay costume designer who has a crush on her. Very very cute.”
Quote in recommendation of @shady_brian/@shadyxvisuals on Instagram: “The work of Brian De La O has been consistently brilliant! They have two accounts on Instagram @shady_brian and @shadyxvisuals – their vision is very well-thought-out and just visually stunning! They mainly center BIPOC individuals in their art, and even creatively direct their own shoots. Overall, they are an artist to look out for!”
Right image description:
Image is in the typical format of recommendations graphic image (see above). Images showcased for each recommendation include the cover for the ‘#TellBlackStories Podcast:’ background is white, with red typeface stating ‘#TellBlackStories,’ and underneath typeface containing images stating ‘Podcast.’ Bottom image showcased includes a screenshot of @facesofthebay’s Instagram page. Nine posts are included in the screenshot; each post is a different photo. The top row of photos contains grey hues, the middle row of photos green/brown hues, and the bottom row of photos contains blue hues.
Right text description:
Quote in recommendation of the podcast ‘#TellBlackStories:’ “There’s a great podcast called ‘#TellBlackStories’ from the Color of Change organization, where insightful, unfiltered conversations with Black public figures and newsmakers (e.g. Ava DuVernay, Ayanna Pressley) discuss the work needed to amplify Black voices and ensure accurate, diverse, and human representation of the Black community within and beyond the entertainment industry. It is a podcast folks should listen to all year around, not just during Black History Month.”
Quote in recommendation of @facesofthebay on Instagram: “I have been loving content and designs by Julian A. Angat – they run the Instagram account @facesofthebay, and they design the outfits, directs the vision, and shoot the photos! On top of that, the designs are sustainably sourced and profits are donated back to their community. It’s also a great example that producing beautiful art does not have to art wash neighborhoods. I really recommend everyone to follow their account!”
Saturday, February 20th 2021
Right image description:
Image is in the typical format of recommendations graphic image (see above). Image showcased for each recommendation includes a screenshot of @cathodecinema’s Instagram page. Nine posts are included in the screenshot; each post is a different movie-centric photo. Many of the photos include red and pink hues. Top of image states account’s username. Middle image showcased includes black and white portrait of Latoya Ruby Frazier. Background is all white. Frazier wears a sleeveless shirt in the photo. Bottom image showcased includes the cover for Skinny Girl Diet’s single ‘Silver Spoons.’ Cover is a drawing. Background is hot pink. Left side of the drawing depicts a person in red dress and white boots standing over a police officer depicted as a pig. Cover also states the band name and single name.
Right text description:
Quote in recommendation of @cathodecinema on Instagram: “@cathodecinema on Instagram has a nightly (except for weekends) twitch stream of themed movie marathons. Their themes run the gambit from Lovecraftian Horror to Japanese Punk Cinema to Hip Hop Cinema to Cats and Dogs. They recently had NOLA guest curate a lineup of New Orleans based films for Mardi Gras. Free! Fun! Educational!”
Quote in recommendation of Latoya Ruby Frazier’s photography: “I’ve been really into this photographer Latoya Ruby Frazier. She is from the same city as I am and her work mainly focuses on family and the Black post-industrial rust belt experience. She is an extremely talented artist as well as activist. I highly recommend looking at her website or watching her Ted Talk about Flint.”
Quote in recommendation of the band Skinny Girl Diet: “I’ve been listening to Skinny Girl Diet, a riot grrrl influenced punk band composed of two sisters!”
Left image description:
Image is in the typical format of recommendations graphic image (see above). Image showcased for each recommendation includes the cover of the novel ‘Visit Sunny Chernobyl.’ Cover includes a highly saturated photo of Chernobyl. Majority of the cover includes a sunny blue sky. Title of book and author are also included. Middle image showcased includes the cover of ‘Jujutsu Kaisen’ anime. Background is teal. Character of the anime is at the center of the cover, with a hand outstretched showcasing a cut on their palm. Title of the anime is also included in the cover. Bottom image showcased includes a screenshot of @shopbeyu’s Instagram page. Nine posts are included in the screenshot; each post is a different photo. Photos are of people posed in various @shopbeyu items. Many of the photos include white, beige, and lilac hues.
Left text description:
Quote in recommendation of the book ‘Visit Sunny Chernobyl:’ “The book ‘Visit Sunny Chernobyl’ is written in the style of a travelogue but about polluted places around the world. It explains pretty big environmental issues in accessible terms and the author does a good job of providing an intersectional analysis (and includes areas of Canada and the US as examples of severe pollution, which isn’t rly important to include in a blurb, but I really appreciated)”
Quote in recommendation of the anime ‘Jujutsu Kaisen:’ “‘Jujutsu Kaisen’ is a shounen anime about a high schooler who joins a secret organization of sorcerers in order to defeat the powerful curse that’s possessed him, and it’s one of the few shounen animes out that features a cast of dynamic women as characters!”
Quote in recommendation of the shop @shopbeyu on Instagram: “@shopbeyu on Instagram is a Black owned small business that makes handmade sustainable clothing”
Saturday, February 27th 2021
Right image description:
Image is in the typical format of recommendations graphic image (see above). Images showcased for each recommendation include the podcast cover for ‘The Queer Movie Podcast:’ Background of graphic is pink; central part of image includes graphic of movie-theater popcorn. Popcorn tub is rainbow to emulate the LGBTQ+ flag. Overlaid over tub is the title of the podcast. Bottom image showcased includes the cover for the anime ‘Heaven’s Design Team.’ Multiple pastel colors make up the image, with the central figure being the character of the anime alongside an animal. The characters are depicted in a blue sky with the sun overhead.
Right text description:
Quote in recommendation of ‘The Queer Movie Podcast:’ “‘The Queer Movie Podcast’ is a cool, monthly podcast that discusses the best (and worse) of LGBTQ+ cinema! They’ve been on hiatus for a while but the episodes they have up are hilarious and insightful; the hosts provide a perspective that’s normally obscured in wider film criticism, but I am glad podcasting is offering up a space for the LGBTQ+ community to offer their thoughts and insight on the films they love, hate, and love to hate.”
Quote in recommendation of the anime ‘Heaven’s Design Team:’ “‘Heaven’s Design Team’ is an anime about an agency that creates made-to-order life forms for their client, God, that’s very funny, sweet, and a little educational with a trans woman as one of the main characters who’s treated respectfully!”
Left image description:
Image is in the typical format of recommendations graphic image (see above). Images showcased for each recommendation include the cover for Mabel Ye’s single. The cover emulates a scrapbook style collage of various pictures tacked on a board. The central picture is one of Mabel Ye. Other images include a photo of family, a drawing of flowers, and various other artworks. Bottom image includes a screenshot from ChloexHalle’s ‘Ungodly Hour’ music video. ChloexHalle stand in center stage underneath a blue light with no one around them.
Left text description:
Quote in recommendation of music by Mabel Ye: “I love Mabel Ye’s music! She’s a queer artist who makes calming bedroom pop with funny lyrics about living in LA and the angst of existing”
Quote in recommendation of the ‘Ungodly Hour’ music video by ChloexHalle: “The music video to ChloexHalle’s ‘Ungodly Hour’ is just chef’s kiss. We all know they’re classy and talented, but the music video makes me ascend to another level. It’s tender, aspirational, warm, and sleek.”
Saturday, March 6th 2021
Right image description:
Image is in the typical format of recommendations graphic image (see above). Images showcased for each recommendation include the single cover for ‘Rainforest’ by Noname: SA black and white graphic rendition of two people on top of a car taking up the central part of the image. Surrounding them is a crowd of people. The background contains imagery of smoke. Bottom photo showcased includes a photo of the music collaboration project ‘Bachelor.’ Photo is a portrait of Ellen Kempner from Palehound (left) and Melina Duterte from Jay Som (right) embracing over a blue background.
Right text description:
Quote in recommendation of ‘Rainforest’ by Noname: “‘Rainforest’ is Noname’s latest single release; it’s a searing critique of the current status quo infused with revolutionary optimism.”
Quote in recommendation of Bachelor: “Ellen Kempner from Palehound and Melina Duterte from Jay Som started a new project together called Bachelor! Their debut single ‘anything at all’ is fantastic, w/ a killer bass line & perfect blend of the two’s styles.”
Left image description:
Image is in the typical format of recommendations graphic image (see above). Images showcased for each recommendation include a screenshot of the UCLA’s Mindful Awareness Research Center (MARC) website. Image showcases MARC’s ‘About’ page. Bottom image includes the cover for the book ‘The Collected Schizophrenias.’ The cover contains mirage of orange, purple, blue, and green paisley-esque patterns as a background. Central part of the image includes white oval with black text stating the title, author, and review quote of the book.
Left text description:
Quote in recommendation of UCLA’s Mindful Awareness Research Center (MARC): “I’ve been trying to get into meditation to help with my mental health and the UCLA’s Mindful Awareness Research Center (MARC) has these free guided meditations and an app that has been really useful for me before finals week. They have classes and other programs offered to the public.”
Quote in recommendation of ‘The Collected Schizophrenias:’ “I just finished reading this really interesting book of non-fiction personal essays by Esmé Weijun Wang called ‘The Collected Schizophrenias.’ It’s about the author’s experience with schizoaffective disorder and Lyme disease and presents thoughtful, nuanced perspectives on chronic illness, disability, and more.”