Think Piece

Design by Emma Lehman
I should really book a therapy appointment.
I can’t keep waking up in the middle of the night, I’m exhausted.
But is talking about it really going to help?
Fuck man.
I should get another tattoo.
Not because I need therapy.
This is an entirely new train of thought.
Okay, but what do I want?
It’s February 20.
Too close to March and I need to pay rent.
….but maybe I could swing it if I got a small one, right? I really wish I did my own tattoos.
But I guess that would be the equivalent of cutting my own bangs and that screams
and I definitely do not need therapy.
Maybe I want some plants.
Does that match with my theme?
Theme? Who the fuck has a theme to their tattoos?
No, wait‒
maybe I’m valid.
People have certain styles they like, that’s basically a theme.
Is there such a thing as too many plants? I already have the flowers on my waist and the flowers on my arm….where do I wanna put it? Is it plants now, is that what I’m doin—
A text! Ooohhh.
I forgot I made those plans.
Why did I make those plans?
They’re going to hate me if I cancel.
Fuck. Okay it’s fine, just be honest and let them know you’re just having a rough day and you’re feeling a little introverted and if they’re a good friend, they’ll understand.
Or…..they’ll ask me if I wanna talk about it.
I’ll text them back later, it’s fine.
Okay, back to what I was doing: tattoos.
Maybe if I figure out where I want it, I can try to think of something that looks good there. I think I want another piece on my arm.
Am I really typing ‘plant tattoos’ into Pinterest right now? I hate myself.
Okay, that wasn’t helpful. Maybe Tumblr?
Actually, let me just scroll through my camera roll and see if I have any photos of plants that I like.
Holy shit it’s been an hour fuck how did that happen!
Okay, It’s fine.
I’m fine. Things are fine.
I have to actually start doing work now. It’s fine. Let’s go through the To-Do list. Knock out the easy stuff first.
- Laundry
- Assignment for 108
- Send email to lab
- Book therapy appointment
Okay, five more minutes of looking at tattoo designs and then I’ll start.